What Is Your Beauty Based On?


Growing up, I use to think that my beauty was based on how many guys found me attractive. Sometimes I was the girl that was out with female friends and guys would approach them, but not me. But at 30, I’m learning that my beauty is not based on the caliber of guy that approaches me or does not approach me, but my beauty (our beauty) is based on who God says I (we) am (are). We can not measure our beauty on the negative words that man may say, because it will give us a false reality of our beauty. When we measure ourselves based off of man, we are not measuring ourselves with a Precise Measuring stick, but settling for the short end of the stick!!! When the Precise Measuring stick says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and nothing less than!  Embrace the fact that you are beautiful and walk in confidence that you are beautiful! You are beautiful!!!! You always measure up!!!!

6 thoughts on “What Is Your Beauty Based On?

      1. My beauty is based on all of God’s creations that surround me. There is something that stirs up my spirit when I see all the beauty that each creation posses, the wind, flowers, animals, other human beings. The fact that God took the time to create each individual makes me beautiful all on its own!

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